优势 Benefits
1. 许多公司选择使用车体彩贴来为公司做车体广告并允许员工将其作为私人用车, 这对于企业与员工来说都是互惠互利的方案。
There are a lot of companies that choose to provide employees with "take-home" company cars. This can be a mutually beneficial arrangement for both the employer and the employee.
2. 对于公司来讲其最大的优势就是车体彩贴广告能够为公司的推广做出杰出的贡献,一个醒目的优质的车体广告可以每天吸引数千人的关注并且平均下来的投资仅几分钱。
They got the opportunity to promote their company to literally thousands of people a day at an advertising rate costing them mere cents for every marketing impression.
3. 有利于本地品牌发展,每天有数以千计的本地客户在潜移默化的增强其对车体广告的品牌印象。
Car wraps are a great way to create a mobile billboard in your local community that draws new customers to your business. As your car is seen driving around town you are creating thousands of impressions with potential customers.
4. 对于车体广告本身是有条件作为公司税务体系之一的,作为公司用车的车体广告可以作为公司广告宣传费用,从而记入公司开支之中以抵税。
Because fleet vehicles are purchased for business use, employers may be able to write many of the expenses associated with the vehicles off on their taxes.
5. 车体彩贴的费用相对于车体彩绘要明显更加实惠和便捷,相比其他广告费用车体彩贴的费用也是最为廉价的一种广告方式。
Vehicle Graphics have a much lower cost for impressions than other media.The cost of Vehicle Graphics is fixed, whereas the costs for other media are renewable.
6. 车体彩贴对汽车原漆不存在任何伤害,并且整个装饰过程无毒无污染。
The process of car wraps is safe and non-pollution.
7. 公司或企业可根据其需求在任何时期并且在无损原车的情况下随意更换其车体广告, 例如季节性的特惠活动或车展时的临时装饰广告。
They could remove the vinyl at any time , Usually, just a bit of carefully monitored heat with the heat gun will help soften the glue just enough so that the vinyl can be peeled off the vehicle easily.
8. 车体彩贴的拆卸简单,专业贴饰工艺将保障拆卸后对汽车原漆的保护并完全不会影响其二次销售。
Vinyl can be removed at a client's desire and doesn't affect your vehicle's resale value for being "repainted." Vinyl achieves virtually the same end result (if professionally installed) and carries the benefits of being more affordable and non permanent.
9. 使用车体彩贴作为车体广告对于租用汽车是最佳的选择,可以挑选任意颜色进行贴饰,不仅保护了原有车漆还满足了公司对于车体广告的需求。
Wrapping a leased vehicle is becoming more and more popular. You can pick literally any colour from the dealership and then wrap it to the desired colour of your choice while still protecting the factory paint underneath.
10. 车体彩贴做为汽车的第二层皮肤,它完美的保护了车体的原漆, 减少了轻微刮蹭对车漆的损伤,防止了车漆长期暴露产生的氧化生锈。但并不能抗击较大的刮伤和撞击。
The car wraps is the second skin for the car. The colour change won't protect the vehicle from very large stone chips, but it will however protect the paint against small surface scratches and exposure to road debris
11. 车体彩贴的价格和种类也更加丰富和多样,例如局部,整体,单色,标识和字体等等。
There are a lot of options for employers, such as Partial Vehicle Wraps, Full Vehicle Wraps, One Color Vehicle Wraps, Vehicle Graphics and Cutting Letters.
1. 车体彩贴的工时相对于车体喷绘要短,但对于高质量的整车贴绘需要对车部件进行拆卸和彻底清洗,所以根据车型和款式的不同仍需要耗时2到7天不等。对于整车贴绘的客户则需要规划好车的使用时间。
2. 车体彩贴不适用于追求永久性装饰的客户, 车体彩贴的平均寿命在4年左右,根据彩贴的品牌和质量的不同也有所波动,例如3M的产品寿命在7至9年不等。寿命过后会出现褪色现象,影响车体外观。
3. 车体彩贴的平面设计与贴饰工艺是完全两个不同的部分, 设计在贴饰之前。如果设计方案未达到预期则贴饰的再完美也无法达到车体广告的目的,同样如果贴饰工艺的质量差也会影响贴饰后的设计效果。 所以要达到预期效果对车体广告设计师和车体彩贴的技术工艺要求都很高。
4. 车体彩贴完成之后,初期需要额外注意其护理。 避免喷枪直喷接缝处,避免带有胶粘剂类物品粘贴到表面, 且不能使用刷子等带研磨剂物品清洗表面。
5. 整车的车体彩贴费用相比车体彩绘要便宜,便捷并且环保,但相对于整车单色喷漆还是会贵出不少,对于仅想永久性整体改色的公司可考虑喷漆更为实惠。但需要注意的是喷漆会严重影响第二次销售。公司也可考虑采用较为便宜的字体和标识彩贴为其装饰以达到广告目的。
6. 车体彩贴对质量要求高,彩贴不伤车身装饰美观的前提是需要高质量的彩贴材料。如使用便宜的彩贴对车体进行装饰会有颜色拉伸后脱色,车体色彩不匀称产生色斑或多气泡并且起皮等问题。更严重者使用不合格的彩贴材料,因其粘合剂不适用等原因导致的长期贴附对车漆造成损伤。
7. 对于包含图片设计的车体彩贴对打印机要求同样很高,丰富的色阶和细腻像素的呈现需要高规格的大型打印机。大品牌的打印机有较高的稳定性和质量保证,彩墨的质量也保证了车体彩贴的寿命。