Seat-belted: I was seat-belted. 当时我系了安全带。
Rear-ended: 追尾
I was rear-ended by a car from behind when I stopped at red light. 我在等红灯的时候,被后面的车追尾了。
I was rear-ended near the intersection of Kingsway and Miller Street. 我在Kingsway和Miller Street的路口被追尾。
Eastbound, westbound, northbound, southbound: (行驶方向,东南西北)
I was travelling eastbound on Westminster Hwy. 我当时在Westminster Hwy上朝东开。
Lane:车道(left lane, middle lane, curb lane)
I was driving in the middle lane of ABC Road when another vehicle in the same direction rammed into my car. 我在ABC路上的中间道,被另一辆同方向的车碰撞。
Smashed into:快速撞击
Another vehicle smashed into mine violently which caused my vehicle to be pushed into the vehicle in front of me. 后面的车勐烈撞向我的车位,致使我的车撞向前车。
I was travelling southbound on the curb lane of ABC Street when another vehicle on CBA Street executed a sudden left turn and collided heavily into the front of my vehicle.
I proceeded under a green light at the intersection of A Road and B Street.我在绿灯的时候过街口。
My car sustained much damage.我的车子损坏很严重。
My car was rendered undrivable. 当时我的车无法开了。
关于Whiplash Associated Disorders
在因他人驾驶疏忽造成伤害的MVA(Motor Vehicle Accident)中比较常见是被追尾。
追尾导致的受害人伤害轻则软组织损失(soft tissue injuries, ICBC内部对于软组织受伤有一个赔偿范围的指导金额,从五千到一万五千不等),重则不可估量。在轻量级受伤中最多见的后果是Whiplash Associated Disorders(一种因安全带勐烈快速抽拉颈背部而引起的各种不适或疾病),简称WAD。
1. Grade 0 WAD: No complaint about the neck and no physical sign of injury
2. Grade 1 WAD: Neck complaint of pain, stiffness or tenderness only and no physical sign of injury
3. Grade 2 WAD: Neck complaint and muskuloskeletal sign(s) of injury
4. Grade 3 WAD: Neck complaint and neurological sign(s) of injury
5. Grade 4 WAD: Neck complaint and a fracture or dislocation