不知道刚刚铺好的水泥板接缝时怎么处理的。 看照片似乎应该用水泥补的。。看了这个帖子, 据说细沙就可以了。现在缝里长满了野草, 想尽快修一下。另外想旁边的菜地用类似的水泥板铺上,看上面那个连接好像有点复杂, 要Sub-base layer, bedding layer 和 level layer. 各位看官支个招。
Once all the slabs have been installed precisely to the project's desired results, the final step is to install the "Jointing" material between all the gaps that exist between all the installed slabs. The Jointing material ensures that the slabs lock together to prevent horizontal shifting. Also, the Jointing protects the slabs from rubbing against each other which could damage the slabs in the form of edge chipping or even cracking.
The most effective material is a fine sand. The leveling sand can be used although you might want to consider using some type of sifting process with the leveling sand to get an even finer material for use in Jointing.
Installing the Jointing sand is very simple. Simply pour the fine sand evenly all over the installed slabs. Then, using a broom (an industrial floor broom is very effective), sweep the sand back and forth into all the gaps between the slabs until all the gaps have been filled.。
沙到HOME DEPOT能买到,买带胶的,每袋二到三十,几元的用不得。如需要更好的,可到专卖店(卖石头的LANDSCAPE)。在干燥天,把沙撒在缝上,用BRUSH来回扫,沙自动流入缝中。如果是新的DRIVEWAY,还需要震动。添好后,把沙扫干净,用很细的水浇缝,很细就是不让水把沙冲走。一遍完后,等五到十分钟,再浇一遍。
今天把地面搞定了。用的是Home Depot 的Polysand. 有两种,橘色的里面沙粒大一点,用来填较大的缝,绿色的是细砂,填小缝。 做完之后觉得都用绿色的更好看, 因为表面看不到小硕石。
先把地面清理干净,把缝里的野草挑出来,然后倒入沙子,用刀啊,小棍子阿的捅实,再把地面扫干净,然后用浇花水龙头的Mist 那档把沙子浇湿。说明书上说下雨的时候它自己还会慢慢搞定。不太麻烦。看着干干净净的路面,感觉N好。